17 years ago I was 16 years old. I have 2 sisters, Katie and Tricia who were 12 and 11 respectively. We lived in "Suburbia USA" with our Mom and Dad. My Mom is from Ireland, as were my Dad's g-parents, so we were very involved with our Irish heritage. (Ok-Not so much me...I was 16!) . In September 1991 my mom took me to the Dr. because I was not feeling well. My Dad was a die-hard Irish set dancer and went out to an Irish Dance. It was not unusual for him to go alone...my mom couldn't keep up with him! My parents had lots of friends in this group of dancers so he wouldn't be alone. After, he drove a friend home and then came home and went to bed. We were all in bed already. The next morning he did not wake up. He had a heart attack, that was ultimately caused by his diabetes. My dad, Jack, was 48. 48.
My mom, Caroline, was only 43 and now a widow with 3 young girls. Our lives were never the same.
We have lived most of our lives without a father, my sisters aren't even 30 yet. My father never met my wonderful husband Pat. My beautiful children have never met their Grampy. My Dad was always so much fun...I can imagine how much he would enjoy his grandchildren. No one said life was fair. *sigh*
Each year, my sisters walk to help raise money to fight diabetes. After all, we too are at risk. Even if we are never diagnosed with diabetes ourselves, we don't want to see more young families affected by diabetes.
Katie is not doing so bad in getting sponsors for her walk...but Tricia has hardly any money raised, not for lack of effort. They are walking Sunday. I know that financial times are hard. I don't expect 100 readers to run over and donate $50 each...but if even a few can donate $5 or $10 it would be something. I don't have a huge give-away to enter donors in. I don't even have a small give-away. But if anyone feels that they can offer even a few dollars I would be tremendously grateful. As I know my sisters would be too.
You can sponsor Tricia by clicking here.
Click here to sponsor Katie.
It really doesn't matter which one.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate all those that come here.

Kerry, my dad has diabetes too and I'm at even greater risk since I had GD when pregnant. I hope your sisters reach their goals and I'm glad I could help a little.
Oh dear kerry sorry for all this i am so sure this means a whole lot to you!
My nan had this and it did get bad in the end and i also have friends with this and its something that isnt talk about as much as it should be!
PS i ahve an award for you over on my blog!
Kerry, I understand what you feel about losing your father. My father died at the age 39... He died 3 days before his birthday. on a day after my birthday. He had a cancer... Why do I write it... Just wanted to tell you that I understand you so much and know what you feel. My mom, my sister and me - our lifes changed without him. I was 15, my sister 9. I helped my mom as I could, started to have a job early... I miss my dad... He never saw his grandson, my husband... But I keep memories of him and often remember all the good times we had, I talk with him, he is still alive in my heart... As your father in your...
Juvenile Diabetes runs in my family too, Kerry. Thank you for supporting your sisters and for letting me know. What a great and supportive sister you are.
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